The Kenya Open 2023 will be the first ever disc golf tournament in Kenya.
The two day tournament will include a doubles round of 18 holes on Saturday morning, January 28, followed by a C-Tier PDGA sanctioned tournament of 1 round of 18 holes on Saturday afternoon. On Sunday, January 29 we will hold an 18 hole Ace Run with a $5 (500/-) entry fee.
This page will be updated with details as they become available. You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram for ongoing posts and discussions:
- The Reserve on Facebook
- The Reserve on Instagram
- Disc Golf Kenya on Facebook
- Disc Golf Kenya on Instagram
Some quick basics for your contemplation and planning:
- Hotel costs as little as $62/night at the local recommended Hotel Smith.
- Tent Camping at The Reserve at Rimpa Estates is $30 a night, tent & mattress included.
- All players will receive a Player’s Pack which includes a custom stamped disc and a mini-marker disc, and lunch on Saturday between the doubles and singles tournaments.
- Online registration is HERE on Disc Golf Scene. Players outside of Kenya must register and pay the tournament fee of $50 USD, which helps cover the costs of the player packages and lunch for the Kenyan players.
- There is no tournament fee for Kenyan players. Please contact Kevin at 0712657998 (call or WhatsApp) to register.